Error "0x80070057-00000000-00000000" while sending calender invites through Outlook Client

User complains he is receiving error  "0x80070057-00000000-00000000" when he sends out calender invites.

You should try 2 options

1) Uncheck "use cached exchange mode"

2) Download new copy of "Global Address list"

Note : If the user who the invite has been sent is not in the Global address list and within your personal contact list then you may avoid this step. (there is no harm in doing this step either ways)

Have you come across this error, how did you solve the issue please share your experience.

Exchange Powershell command to find all groups in your Microsoft Online Exchange 365.. !!!

click start -> start typing powershell ->

and run the Powershell Microsoft Online services module as administrator

Run the command "Get-MsolGroup --all > c:\msolgroup2.txt"

Breaking the code :

Get-msolgroup -all will get all the data to your screen and > will redirect it to a file.txt.

Do share with us know if you have a better way of getting this done.

Note : Please try the command at your own risk, the owner of this blog takes no responsibility for anything that may go wrong on your exchange server.

Check Email forwarding using Powershell !!!

Being a system admin is not only about the doing the Job but doing it efficiently.

This post will show you how to find out users who have email forwarding to to any person within the exchange server.

1) Open the exchange power shell.

2) Type the following command.

Get-Mailbox -Filter {ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | ft Name,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward -Autosize

Breaking the code :-
  • Get-mailbox module :- is used to find out the information within the mailbox.
  • Filter {ForwardingAddress -ne $null} :- filters the output with an forwarding emailaddress is not equal to $null (no empty)
  •  ft Name,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward : again filter the output with only these columns (name, Forwarding address, deliver to mailbox and forward).
  •  -Autosize : if your output is too big, the full output is not shown and items that are over a certain entry are not shown, to avoid this and to output all details we use -autosize
  • you can also re-direct this output from the screen to a file using 'Export-CSV' parameter. 
  • e.g.  Get-Mailbox -Filter {ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | ft Name,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward -Autosize | Export-CSV g:\Email_forwarding_output.csv

Note : Please try the command at your own risk, the owner of this blog takes no responsibility for anything that may go wrong on your exchange server.

Getting to know whats under the hood without taking a machine appart. (2 default tools, 1 3rd party free tool)

If you are a person who is fed up of opening a machine just to checking the Motherboard / RAM / Graphic card / Etc attached to it... this article is for you ....

There are 2 default options in Windows and i have also mentioned a free tool at the end of this post.

1) Check using DirectX

Start - > Run, type "dxdiag"